e740983Update personal info of SQuID members
Use shinyMatrix package for matrixInput
Module “Random regressions”: plot true predicted values by individual
Module “Multidimentional phenotypic plasticity and random slopes”
Add module “Non-Gaussian traits”
Reset individual identifier to 1 for each replicate.
Add correlation between trait in residual and high-level grouping variance.
Change in squidApp()
the export data.frame column names from
Beta0, Beta1 and Beta12 to respectively B0, B1 and B12 in order to
have a consistent nomenclature between squidApp()
and squidR()
Add the high-level grouping id column to the squidR()
Change the name of module “Random slope” to “Random regression”.
Add Denis Reale as package author to DESCRIPTION file.
Fix display issue in R documentation (in function squidR()
section Details).